Blog Posts - Lincolnshire Care Association


03/07/2023   Henpicked - Menopause on the Workplace

Advocate/Train the Trainer menopause programmes
Recommended length: 6h
(split into 3 x 2h session webinar or full day in person)

Who this course is for:
Advocates and trainers who will be involved in rolling out a menopause awareness programme.

The aim of this programme is to enable you to understand about the menopause, what changes happen and its
symptoms, think about the different ways of managing them and signpost help and support to enable colleagues experiencing menopause to make informed choices. Participants will also gain practical skills and resources in how to run workshops and support groups and provide peer support, along with planning for raising awareness across your organisation.

Description of the session:
This in-depth course includes action planning and preparing you for how you will raise awareness and run
sessions yourselves.

This interactive programme for advocates/trainers covers:

Part 1 - Colleagues

  • How to run a colleague session and use the Menopause in Minutes video so you leave this session feeling confident in your knowledge of menopause.
  • Why we're talking about menopause now, what it is, its symptoms and ways of managing them
  • How to get the right support

Part 2 - Line Managers

  • How to run a line manager session.
  • The four compelling reasons why we need to support menopause in the workplace, the key menopause information line managers need to understand, employment law and reasonable adjustments, and how to have a supportive conversation.
  • We will include interactive discussions on reasonable adjustments and supportive conversations.

Part 3 – Putting it all together

  • The key elements to consider in becoming a menopause friendly employer.
  • The resource pack in detail, discussing how you will be using this within your organisation.
  • Planning how you will take this forward in your organisation

Resources included:

  • Slide deck for a 30-minute colleague session
  • Slide deck for a 30-minute line manager session
  • ‘Menopause in Minutes’ video
  • Posters and leaflet samples
  • Managing your menopause booklet for colleagues
  • Line manager guidance booklet

Can be run multi-organisation via webinar.

Click here to download the commitment form 

If you would like to book please return the commitment form to [email protected]