Latest News - Lincolnshire Care Association


14/10/2024   Lack of Financial Recognition “Disgraceful”, says CAA Co-Chair

A “disgraceful lack of financial recognition and reward” for workers in adult social care is prolonging the recruitment crisis in the sector, according to the Co-Chair of the Care Association Alliance.

Welcoming theState of the Adult Social Care Sector and Workforce in England report published today (10th October) by Skills for Care, Melanie Weatherley MBE said the incoming Labour government needs to tackle the issue of low pay and lack of recognition for care workers.

The report shows that the care sector faces ongoing domestic recruitment and retention challenges, although international recruitment drove improvements in the adult social care workforce in the year to March 2024.

The State of the Adult Social Care Sector and Workforce in England report published today (10th October) shows that the workforce grew to 1.71 million filled posts while vacancies fell to 131,000 on any given day for the second successive year.

Just under a quarter of people working in care (24.2%) left their jobs in 2023/24, and among independent and local authority employers the turnover rate fell to below 1 in 4 (24.8%) for the first time since 2014/15, down from 29.1% the previous year.

However, the report confirms that these positive trends are mainly due to the record level of international recruitment in 2023/24, and it says the sector is still struggling with domestic recruitment and retention.

“This is an important report which shines more light on the recruitment challenges that the adult social care sector is facing today,” said Melanie Weatherley MBE, Co-Chair of the Care Association Alliance.

“The social care sector in this country continues to experience significant workforce challenges, and without our international recruits it is unclear how we could have continued to enable individuals to live their best lives and to support our NHS colleagues.

“At the root of the problem is a disgraceful lack of financial recognition and reward for the skilled work that care staff do, and this issue should be at the top of the to-do list of the new Labour government.”

In 2023/4 105,000 international recruits started working as care providers in the independent sector, while the number of UK nationals in the workforce shrank by 30,000. Over the two years since March 2022, 185,000 international recruits joined the workforce and the number of UK workers fell by 70,000.

The report shows that the supply of international workers is declining, which makes the challenge of recruiting domestic care workers even more pressing.

An estimated 8,000 new international recruits started work between April and June 2024, compared with an average of 26,000 per quarter in the year to March – a decrease of over two-thirds.

To arrange an interview with Melanie Weatherley MBE, please contact Jez Ashberry at Shooting Star by calling 07780 735071 or by emailing [email protected].

15/08/2024   New Scheme to Attract People into Social Care Work

The Lincolnshire Care Association is offering people in East Lindsey a fantastic opportunity to ‘step into’ social care.

Supported by a grant from the government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, distributed by the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, LinCA is running a free 14-week programme to help people transition into working in the social care industry.

Launching this autumn, the scheme will offer free training, industry standard qualifications, and a guaranteed interview.

The course is perfect for anyone thinking about a career in the care sector, or just looking at returning to the world of work and is easily accessible. LinCA will provide free transport and food during the twice-weekly sessions.

‘Step into Care’ is an opportunity for the people of East Lindsey to hear from those who already work in social care, through insightful talks and first-hand ‘open day’ experience.

There is more to social care than meets the eye. Job opportunities that the scheme can help open include cooking, cleaning, office staff work, and much more.

Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association, said: “We are excited to be delivering Step into Care in East Lindsey this autumn and look forward to showcasing the amazing opportunities available within the care sector.

“Alongside gaining valuable experience in social care, the project will help ease your transition into work. It will offer you help with job applications, prepare you for interviews and build up your skills.”

To express your interest in the free programme, please fill in this short form.

23/07/2024   Future of Care Discussed at Conference

Future of Care Discussed at Conference


Over 140 people working in the care sector across Lincolnshire gathered for the Lincolnshire Care Association’s Annual Conference yesterday (18th July), to discuss the future of care under the new government.


At the conference, which was held at Bishop Grosseteste University, delegates got to hear from guest speakers, take part in interactive workshops and explore exhibitor stands.


The day was introduced by LinCA’s Chair, Melanie Weatherley MBE, and the guest speakers were Matthew Vaughan, Deputy Principal at Lincoln College, Martin Samuels, Executive Director of Adult Care & Community Wellbeing at Lincolnshire County Council and James Baty, Policy and Research Executive Manager at the Greater Lincolnshire LEP.


The speakers discussed the future development of the workforce, changes to the care sector both locally and nationally and the impact that the sector has on the economy.


The overarching theme of the conference was ‘New Government. New Care?’, with discussions around communicating the needs of the sector to the new government and what changes in policy may be introduced.


Delegates also got to participate in a number of workshops on topics including falls training, cyber security, recruitment and leadership.


Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of LinCA, said: “It was wonderful to see everyone at the LinCA conference, and to hear the great ideas of how we can respond to the opportunities that the new government offers to social care.


“Many thanks to our fantastic speakers who gave us a glimpse of what we could do if we work together. There’s lots to do, but many people willing to help.”

03/07/2024   Carers Encouraged to Share Covid-19 Experiences

The Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) is joining with the Care Association Alliance to encourage everyone involved with the care sector to share their pandemic stories as part of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Every Story Matters campaign.

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the public independent inquiry that is examining the UK’s response to, and the impact of, the pandemic. Its Every Story Matters platform is available to everyone to share their experiences anonymously to shape the investigation and help make a difference.

The inquiry’s public hearings for its investigation into the care sector will begin in summer 2025. Those with involvement in the care sector can share their story any time, but doing so before 19th July will ensure they formally feed in to the investigation.

Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the LinCA and Co-Chair of the Care Association Alliance, said: “Recipients of care, care staff and providers bravely faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic, playing a crucial role in supporting our communities.

“We urge everyone in the care sector to share their stories through Every Story Matters. This will highlight the strength, compassion and dedication of care workers, provide insight into the challenges faced by those who we supported, and shape the inquiry. By sharing our stories, we can help drive change.”

Secretary to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Ben Connah said: “Carers were unsung heroes during the pandemic, facing extraordinary challenges with unwavering dedication. Their stories are essential to understanding the full impact of Covid-19 and to helping make sure lessons are learned for the future.

“I urge all carers to share their experiences with Every Story Matters. Your voices are a vital part of our inquiry.”

The inquiry would like to hear from recipients of care and all carers, whether those operating in the sector or providing unpaid care within the community. The stories shared can help the inquiry understand the full picture of how the pandemic impacted lives and communities.

Those involved with adult social care in Lincolnshire can share their story here:

24/06/2024   Call to Move Social Care Up the Election Agenda

Call to Move Social Care Up the Election Agenda

The Lincolnshire Care Association has voiced its support for a call urging political leaders to be more positive about adult social care and make it a higher priority in this General Election campaign. 

A joint statement signed by the Local Government Association and the leaders of 40 other organisations demands “a step change in the way that adult social care and support is understood, talked about, championed and prioritised at the national political level.”  

Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association, is one of the signatories to the statement. 

Read the full story here.

30/05/2024   New Training Programmes for Lincolnshire Care Providers

Care providers across Lincolnshire will have access to exclusive training programmes for the first time, provided by Care in Lincs.


Care in Lincs is the workforce development department of the Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA). It can now deliver new, exclusive training programmes after gaining Endorsed Provider Status from Skills for Care.


Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England.


Promoting employee development and organisational effectiveness, Care in Lincs already supports the care sector through its training programmes. It delivers training to health and social care staff throughout Lincolnshire across a range of topics such as learning disabilities, safeguarding, dementia and fall risks.


Now a Skills for Care Endorsed Provider, the organisation has access to exclusive licensed programmes, making them available to Lincolnshire care providers for the first time. These programmes will cover leadership, management and development.


The company will also be able to further support care providers in Lincolnshire by sharing insights on industry trends and best practices, with exclusive information being available for endorsed providers.


To become an endorsed provider an organisation must meet the high standards outlined by Skills for Care which look at the quality and delivery of the training provided.


Mark Turton, Non-Executive Director of LinCA and Head of Workforce Development at Care in Lincs, said: “The Skills for Care Endorsement recognises learning providers who deliver high-quality learning and development to the social care sector and will add more variety to the workforce development offer here in Lincolnshire.


“What this means for the independent care provider cannot be underestimated, and as an Endorsed Provider LinCA will be able to expand the offers with new and exciting learning opportunities in the development of our leaders and managers across Lincolnshire.”


Care providers can find a full list of training courses offered by Care in Lincs here.

11/01/2024   Carers Need Better Pay Alongside Career Support, Says LinCA

The Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association has welcomed today’s announcement of government support for careers in adult social care 

But Melanie Weatherley MBE says local authorities need more funding in order to increase carers’ pay.

The government says the plans it has set out today will give social care staff better training, clearer career paths and improved job prospects.

The package of measures that reaffirm care work as a career includes:

  • The launch of the Care Workforce Pathway
    A national career structure for the adult social care workforce.
  • Over £50 million of funding for a new qualification
    Up to 37,000 people in direct adult social care roles can enrol on the new Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate qualification between June 2024 and March 2025.
  • Over £20 million for apprenticeships
    Local authorities and adult social care providers can use the money to train and supervise hundreds of new social work and nurse apprentices.
  • Subsidised training places
    An uplift to the Workforce Development Fund will expand access to learning and development, creating opportunities for the workforce to become experts in their field or progress into new roles.
  • A new digital leadership qualification
    This will help equip social care leaders and managers with the confidence and capability to lead the implementation and use of technology in the delivery of care.

“The Lincolnshire Care Association welcomes this package of improved support for carers’ career prospects, but pay for the people in front line services needs to be improved if we are to attract and retain the best employees,” said Melanie Weatherley.

“Measures to enhance career development in the social care sector must be accompanied by increased pay for care workers. That’s why we’re continuing to ask for additional funding for local authorities to support carers and drive up wages.”

The government’s announcement coincides with phase two of its Made with Care recruitment campaign which aims to get more people in the UK to consider a rewarding career in care.

05/12/2023   New Immigration Rules Unreasonable, Says LinCA Chair

New Immigration Rules Unreasonable, Says LinCA Chair

The Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association says the Government’s new policy on migrant workers coming from overseas is unfair.

Yesterday the Home Secretary James Cleverley MP announced a number of measures to reduce legal immigration, including preventing incoming workers from bringing their families with them.

Melanie Weatherley MBE said: “We welcome the clear recognition by the Government of the importance of international recruits within the care workforce, but this new measure seems unreasonable.

“We're already asking these people to give up their lives on the other side of the world to come and help us to care for older people and people with learning disabilities.

“To ask them to do that but not allow them to bring their children or the rest of their family with them seems unreasonable, regardless of the understandable impact on our infrastructure.

“Essentially we’re are asking these people to leave their family behind to come and support our most vulnerable adults – to choose between caring for their family, or caring for ours. No-one should have to make that decision.”

30/10/2023   Comment re: overseas care workers

Comment re: overseas care workers - 30th October 2023

The following comments can be attributed to Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association:

There are reports in the media today raising concerns that some care workers who come to the UK from overseas are under-qualified and at risk of exploitation.

As Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association I would argue that the staff who have joined our care system from overseas are essential to the quality of care being provided to older people and adults with learning difficulties.

Many of these overseas recruits are thriving and bringing much needed skills and experience to our care sector.

Unfortunately there are some employers who are not delivering what they promised. We must work to eliminate this and make sure that all recruits have access to ethical employment with good training and development.

We should not make all overseas workers feel undervalued by implying that they do not have the technical and language abilities to do their job. Most of them are excellent when they have access to an appropriate induction. There may be some aspects of life in the UK that are unfamiliar to them, but these challenges are easily overcome.

19/10/2023   Volunteers prepare to support the health, care, & wellbeing of Lincolnshire communities this winter

Lincolnshire’s Volunteer Centres support around 1,500 people each year to volunteer locally and are preparing to support people across Lincolnshire this winter. Volunteer Centres Lincolnshire and LVET are working closely with the Royal Voluntary Service, the NHS and community organisations to help people through the winter months.

As they have done in previous years voluntary and community organisations of all sizes, from individual small groups of volunteers in a neighbourhood to larger more structured organisations, will be offering a range of support to people including:

  • Befriending
  • Shopping
  • Collecting medication
  • Support groups

Giving people the support, they need to stay, safe, well and connected to their communities. Paul Gutherson, Managing Director of Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET) said, as a collective of over 125 voluntary and community organisations involved in Health and Social Care LVET’s members are always there supporting the people of Lincolnshire but winter can be a particularly difficult time for some and of course, the NHS and other services, come under greater pressure at this time too. This is where many of our members step in and lift some of that pressure through helping people to feel less isolated with a friendly voice on the end of the telephone or assisting with community transport to get to appointments or to shop for food.

Ben Rollett, Chief Executive of Voluntary Centre Services said that it is important to align national volunteering programmes with the local need in Lincolnshire and that we work in collaboration to ensure we are meeting the needs of our volunteers and communities.

If anybody has time or skills that they want to share with their community, please get in touch with:

Abbi Taylor, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Tel 01427 800960, [email protected]

Or visit the website of Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service or Voluntary Centre Services

12/10/2023   Care Leader Backs Report’s Call for New Workforce Strategy Today’s social care workforce report pub

Care Leader Backs Report’s Call for New Workforce Strategy

Today’s social care workforce report published by Skills for Care clearly shows the very serious challenges currently facing the social care sector.

That’s the view of Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA), who says that the most concerning issue is the number of people leaving the sector in the past year.

“The report reveals that 390,000 people left their jobs in social care this year, and around one-third of those left the sector altogether,” said Melanie.

“So while the workforce grew slightly by 1% and the vacancy rate fell to 9.9% from 10.6% the previous year, businesses in our sector still have great difficulty in recruiting and retaining skilled staff.

“Even if you can find and recruit the right people, the fact that so many are leaving at the other end means maintaining appropriate staffing levels is a constant battle.”

The report covers the year from April 2022 to March 2023 and highlights some improvements in workforce capacity, largely driven by an increase in international recruitment.

It predicts that we will need 440,000 more people working in social care by 2035 if the number of adult social care posts grows in line with the projected number of people aged 65 and over in the population.

It identifies five factors that are key to retaining staff in the sector:

  • being paid more than the minimum wage
  • not being on a zero-hours contract
  • being able to work full-time
  • being able to access training
  • having a relevant qualification

Where none of these factors apply, care workers are more than twice as likely to leave their jobs as when all five factors apply – a 48.7% turnover rate compared with 20.6%.

At the same time as it published its report, Skills for Care - the strategic workforce development body for adult social care in England – announced plans to develop a new and comprehensive workforce strategy for adult social care.

Melanie Weatherley welcomed the announcement. “The government needs to work with the care sector and the NHS to address this critical issue of recruitment and retention,” she said.

“We can only hope that this report will prove to be the spur that leads to action at the top so we can begin to overcome these challenges for the benefit of service users across the country.”

If you would like to arrange an interview with Melanie Weatherley MBE, please contact Jez Ashberry at Shooting Star by calling 07780 735071 or emailing [email protected].

Notes to editors:

  • Skills for Care supports the adult social care workforce in England to lead, deliver and grow, providing information, initiatives and resources to support social care leaders and their teams.
  • Download a copy of the Skills for Care report here.
  • Lincolnshire Care Association is a not-for-profit organisation supporting adult care providers of domiciliary care, end of life care, learning disabilities, mental health, nursing homes, residential care homes, and supported living within the independent and voluntary sectors in Lincolnshire.

28/09/2023   Care Workers Charity to Benefit from Donation

As the cost-of-living crisis worsens in the UK, those working in the adult social care sector have been amongst the hardest hit.













In response, the Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) has raised £1,500    through charity raffles held at the last  three Lincolnshire Care Awards    ceremonies and is donating the money to The Care Workers’ Charity (CWC.

The Care Workers’ Charity was founded in 2009 to support current and former care workers with one-off crisis grants.

Since 2020 it has paid out over £5.6 million in grants to 10,350 care workers in need. The charity supports around two million care workers in the UK who care for some of the most vulnerable people in our society with little recognition and often no reward.

Care workers face challenges every day such as loss of income and inconsistent hours, and they lack adequate resources to help them do their job to the best of their ability.

The Chair of LinCA, Melanie Weatherley MBE, said: “Many care workers are under great financial pressures with soaring food, energy, and housing costs, and this is negatively impacting on both their physical and mental health. We want to ensure care workers get the support they need to make ends meet this winter.”

Karolina Gerlich, CEO of The Care Workers’ Charity, said: “We are delighted to have had LinCA supporting our work; care associations have a very meaningful role with care providers in their local areas, and LinCA’s support enables us to connect with those care providers and care workers.

“The money raised by LinCA will make a huge difference to the lives of care workers in the UK and will help to provide crisis grants for care workers in need.

“The CWC is a safety net for care workers and their families who are struggling and might not have the means to support themselves.

“A grant of £500 for a family means they can continue to heat their house over winter or repair their car to ensure they can get to work.  

“Our support eases the stress for care workers and helps them to keep caring.” 

If you would like to arrange an interview with Melanie Weatherley MBE, please contact Maz Davis at Shooting Star by calling 07719 015121 or emailing [email protected].

11/08/2023   CQC is changing: webinar now available

Webinar now available: New regulatory approach and provider portal roll out

The first webinar in CQC transformation series, this episode focuses on how they'll roll out their new regulatory approach and provider portal to all health and social care providers.

They also let you know when they expect to start using their new regulatory approach and the steps they’ll take to get there.

This one-hour webinar is led by Chris Day, CQC's Director of Engagement, and Amanda Hutchinson, their Head of Policy, Regulatory Change. It’s an opportunity to hear the latest updates about the new regulatory approach.

There were some technical issues during this webinar and unfortunately, some of the presentation slides were cut off. Access the full slide deck.

If you have any queries please contact [email protected] 

09/08/2023   Business Lincolnshire Celebrates Helping Businesses through the European Regional Development Fund

Business Lincolnshire Celebrates Helping 44,500 Businesses with the Help of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Since the inception of the ERDF fund, through varied Business Lincolnshire branded schemes, 2,073 grants have been approved, totalling an astounding £7,817,595 in funds distributed to support local businesses.

Find out more here

25/07/2023   New Technology Helping Carers to Relieve Pressure on NHS

New Technology Helping Carers to Relieve Pressure on NHS

Care homes in Lincolnshire are trialling a new digital system which allows care workers to carry out some clinical tasks, saving time and reducing pressure on the NHS.

Lincolnshire Care Association (LinCA) has helped to introduce a digital observation kit into care homes in the county to enable care workers to take clinical observations and then transmit them digitally to the NHS clinician who needs to read them and monitor them. 

Working with the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, LinCA has also published a delegated healthcare activities governance toolkit to provide guidance for care professionals. 

“The aim of the new system is to delegate the taking of clinical observations such as blood pressure or blood oxygen levels, which can be a vital measurement for older people, without delegating the decision making,” said Melanie Weatherley MBE, Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association. 

“This is nothing new – parents are trained to undertake highly technical interventions to support children living with complex conditions, for example. And diabetics have managed their own blood glucose and insulin successfully for many years. 

“If we become unable to do these things for ourselves we have to rely on health professionals, even when the knowledge and expertise of a trained nurse is not really needed. Delegation of some of clinical activities to carers can produce better outcomes, especially if it is seen as an innovative choice rather than a way to manage scarce resources.” 

Melanie explained that during the Covid-19 pandemic interactions between care home residents and clinicians was reduced and care home staff were encouraged to support residents with dressings, insulin management and physiological readings. 

“When the pandemic ended many of us wanted to carry on doing this work, if done safely and if the extra contribution and responsibility were recognised,” said Melanie. “If delegation is done properly it can give the person who draws on care and support more control as well as giving care staff opportunities to develop.

“Delegating some of the more routine aspects of healthcare can give our skilled health colleagues more time to devote to those who need their knowledge and expertise.” 

Ashdene Care Home in Sleaford is one of the homes which has been trialling the new digital observation kits. 

Assistant Manager Luke McCarthy said: “Before we had this kit we had to write everything down manually on a piece of paper. The risk of writing down observations was that it might be recorded wrongly, or if it got missed that observation was not recorded.” 

Clare Burrows, a nurse practitioner working in South West Lincolnshire, said: “My experience with working with telehealth is that it most definitely improves collaboration between professionals caring for these people. 

“What it also does is improve health outcomes because it ensures that we can work collectively to meet the needs of the individual person, and that in turn reduces admissions to hospital.” 

Melanie Weatherley added: “I recognise there are risks with delegation. It must always be done for the benefit of the person drawing on care and support and there should be a clear governance structure around it to keep everyone safe.

“The publication of guiding principles for delegated healthcare activities is a major step in the right direction, helping to embed best practice, safety and expanded skill sets right across the care workforce.” 

Lincolnshire Care Association and Lincolnshire ICB have produced a short video about the new telehealth monitoring kit which you can watch here. 

Melanie has also written a blog about it here. 

Lincolnshire Care Association supported the introduction of the digital observation kit working with the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and Lincolnshire County Council.

05/07/2023   QES Q2 2023

The results for the Quarter 2 Quarterly Economic Survey are in.  The Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Economic Survey is the largest economic survey in the UK and has been the private sector's leading indicator of the UK economy since 1969.  

Read the latest results here

15/05/2023   Financial wellbeing support

Financial wellbeing support

Please see below a range of information on Financial Wellbeing in the current climate. 

What is Financial Wellbeing - an Employers Guide

Money Advisor Network Brief

St Barnabas Welfare and Benefits Leaflet

11/05/2023   Financial Support for Individuals and Families who are Experiencing Fuel Poverty

Financial Support for Individuals and Families who are Experiencing Fuel Poverty and Struggling to Pay their Energy Bills (England, Scotland and Wales)

The British Gas Energy Trust has announced that its Individual and Families Debt Write Off Fund is now open for applications. Eligible applicants, regardless of whether they are a British Gas customer or not, can receive a grant of up to £1,500 to clear arrears with their energy supplier. However, customers of Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, and Octopus should apply to their respective funds instead.

When applying for the Individual and Families fund, it is important for the applicant to provide information on how they plan to manage their energy costs in the future. It is highly recommended that they seek professional money advice before applying, as there may be more suitable options available for their particular situation.

To be eligible for the grant, the applicant must meet several criteria, including living in England, Scotland or Wales, not having received a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust in the last 2 years, and seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current or open gas, electricity or dual fuel energy account in their name or be a member of that household. The energy account must relate to their main residence, and if their application is successful, the grant will be credited to their energy account - no cash payments will be made.

Additionally, the applicant must have electric and/or gas debt, be in or facing Fuel Poverty, and have received help from a money advice agency. If they do not meet all of these criteria, their application will not progress to assessment.

More info:

Organisation name:
British Gas Energy Trust - Individual and Families Fund


05/05/2023   Cost of Living: The Impact on Health & Wellbeing


Cost of Living: The Impact on Health & Wellbeing 


The rising cost of living (rising household energy bills, inflation and interest rates) is adversely affecting people’s mental health and wellbeing.

The impact the cost-of-living crisis is having on many people’s ability to heat their homes and eat well has been widely reported. However, Healthwatch Lincolnshire’s new data suggests people are increasingly avoiding booking/attending NHS appointments or taking up prescriptions and over-the-counter medications because of the costs.


People are avoiding vital care due to the fear of extra costs

The number of people who avoided an NHS appointment due to the cost of travel doubled to almost one in 10, 11%, in December 2022, up from 6% in October 2022 .* * Healthwatch England National Poll results


Healthwatch Lincolnshire ran a public survey and received 327 responses.


Key Headlines

81% of respondents agreed that the rising cost of living is causing them to worry/feel anxious.


As a result of the rising cost of living respondents reported a decline in their mental (69%) and physical (50%) health


83% of respondents reported that their financial situation had worsened over the past 6 months.


To try and cope with the rising cost of living respondents had made changes to their health and social care, which included:

  • Avoiding going to the dentist due to associated costs
  • Cutting down or stopping private services (e.g. counselling)
  • Avoiding buying over-the-counter medication
  • Stopping a special diet needed for a medical condition


Respondents had also made changes to their general lifestyle, which included:

  • Putting on more clothes than normal to stay warm
  • Not turning on the heating when they usually would
  • Turning off or avoiding using an essential appliance to save on energy costs
  • Reduced how much food they eat and buy


These changes have in turn had a negative impact on many aspects of daily life including isolation from friends and family, ability to manage any feelings of physical pain and/or a long-term health condition.


Whilst many respondents had been negatively affected by the rising cost of living, some of the most vulnerable in our communities appear to have been disproportionally affected. Individuals who seem to have been especially affected by the rising cost of living include:

  • Carers
  • Those with a disability
  • Those with a long-term health condition
  • Those whose income includes means-tested and/or disability benefits.



Healthwatch Lincolnshire recommends greater support is needed for everyone but especially those who are carers, have a long-term health condition, a disability or whose income includes means-tested or disability.


More resources available for these individuals on where they can get help.


Continue to monitor and engage with these groups – the impact the rising cost of living is likely to have on existing health inequalities and with this survey we are likely to have not even reached those who are suffering the most.


(See full report for further recommendations)

Growing anxiety about the effect of the cost-of-living crisis on people's health and well-being is rising. People are putting off prescriptions, doctor's appointments, and even travelling to them, all because of additional expenses. Such measures taken in the name of cost reduction can seriously impact their physical and psychological health, adding to the strain on the already overwhelmed NHS.


The cost of living should not be a hindrance to health care. Governments and health organizations must act urgently to combat the increasing number of people neglecting essential care.


To find out more about the findings you can download the full report here:



If you require this in a different format please email [email protected]  or call 01205 820892.

25/04/2023   Long Covid Information Hub

Long COVID Information Hub

Please see below the link to the Long COVID Information Hub which is currently in development that will be regularly updated by new resources and information. 

Click here to visit the Information Hub


23/03/2023   DSPT (Digital Security Protection Toolkit)

A Lincolnshire providers experience of a cyber attack and how the DSPT can help avoid one.

Please see link below with more information:-

06/03/2023   Chair of CAA and LinCA calls out lack of funding in social care sector

Chair of Care Association Alliance and Lincolnshire Care Association calls out lack of funding in social care sector


Melanie Weatherley, MBE, chair of Care Association Alliance and Lincolnshire Care Association stands with The Care Provider Alliance who are calling on government officials to allocate more funding towards the social care sector.

 In a new letter published by The Care Provider Alliance, the government have been called upon to acknowledge that the Fair Cost of Care funding they have put forward is not sufficient enough to bridge the financial gaps within the care sector.

The Care Provider Alliance released The State of Care and Support Provision report in November 2022, highlighting some of the key issues facing the social care sector, the most notable being workforce recruitment and retention. The report draws attention to the fact that one in ten posts within the care industry are currently vacant due to care providers being unable to increase wages in line with the rising cost of living. This inability to increase wages can most likely be attributed to the estimated funding gap of £7 billion within the sector, as without adequate funding, publicly funded care providers will be unable to keep up with the wages offered by their privately funded counterparts. 

Melanie Weatherley, MBE, said: “The funding proposed by the government is disappointing, but we are not surprised. The report compiled by the councils does not give a true picture of the current situation in care and we are calling on the government to invest diligently in social care so we can look after those most vulnerable in our society.

She added: “If we properly fund social care and work to integrate with our partners in the NHS, we can create a better life for all of our service users. In order to do this, we need the right staff, funding, and infrastructure. We will not rest until the government commits to a real change in the sector.”

To view the full letter, click here. To learn more about LinCA, visit

14/02/2023   Staff Wellbeing Hub

Staff Wellbeing Hub Lincolnshire

Supporting all health and social care staff in Lincolnshire.  Brief therapeutic interventions supporting you to maintain your mental wellbeing.  The support line acts as a triage process for those in need but is also available as a space to offload, wobble or even just chat in judgement free, safe space.  Facilitated by the LPFT Staff Wellbeing Service.

Call 01522 518609, 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday (excl.Bank Holdiays)

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06/05/2022   Bridging the Gap - A strategy for the independent and voluntary sector, adult social care workforce

Bridging the Gap

A strategy for the independent and voluntary sector, adult social care workforce in Lincolnshire.  Read the full document here.

19/10/2021   Mental Capacity Toolkit

The Mental Capacity Toolkit

Materials which have been created to help support health and social care professionals working with individuals whose decision-making capacity is limited, fluctuating, absent or compromised.  Find the toolkit at Mental Capacity Toolkit

25/06/2021   The Anne Robson Trust Helpline

The Anne Robson Trust is a pre-bereavement charity that offers company and support to anyone facing the end of life themselves, or those who are dealing with the death of a loved one. They have recently launched a telephone helpline service to help bridge the gap that has been created by the pandemic in accessing these services, and to meet demands for the increased support that is now necessary due to the higher number of people who have suffered a loss throughout the pandemic. 

This service also offers support to anyone who works with people who are dying, including care home staff, carers, and NHS staff. They may wish to use the service themselves or use it as a resource to refer others to. 

The helpline number is 0808 801 0688

The service is confidential, free to call, and oper as demand increases).  If you require any further information about our helpline service, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please see a short film that encapsulates the work the Anne Robson Trust does within hospitals. More information about all their work can be found on their website.